Journal articles
Huang, S., Desmet, P.M.A., Xue, H. & Roest,M. (working paper). Design for Fundamental Needs: Introducing the Activity-Centered Need Profiling Method.
Huang, S., Desmet, P. M. A., & Mugge, R. (2025). Introducing the Fundamental User Needs (FUN) Scales: Assessing Need Satisfaction and Frustration in Design-Mediated Interactions. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1–18. [Link]
Kermavnar, T., Avsec, A., Huang, S., & Desmet, P.M.A. (2024). Assessing Basic/Fundamental Psychological Need Fulfillment: Systematic Mapping and Review of Existing Scales to Foster Cumulative Science. Frontiers in Psychology. [Link]
Chirico, A., Scurati, G.W., Maffi, C., Huang, S., Graziosi,S., Ferrise, G. & Gallace, A. (2021). Designing Virtual Environments for Attitudes and Behavioral Change in Plastic Consumption: A Comparison between Concrete and Numerical Information. Virtual Reality. 24(2). [Link]
Tagliabue, L. C., Scurati, G. W., Massetti, G., Etzi,R., Huang, S., Ferrise, G.,Gallace, A., Graziosi, S., Carulli, M., Bordegoni, M. & Ciribini, A. L. C. (2020). Testing Multisensory Stimuli to Drive Thermal Comfort and Space Perception using VR/AR: A Design Strategy to Achieve Energy Saving. Journal of Architectural Research and Development. 4(1), 1-11. [Link]
Liu, W., Tan, R., Cao, G., Zhang, Z., Huang, S., & Liu, L. (2019). A proposed radicality evaluation method for design ideas at the conceptual design stage. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 132, 141-152. [Link]
Book chapters
Huang, S., Hekkert, P., Schifferstein, H.N.J. & Bordegoni, M. (2024). Inviting Sustainable Behavior through the Power of Metaphors in Design. In Gambardella. C (Eds.), For Nature/With Nature: New Sustainable Design Scenarios. Springer Series in Design and Innovation. Cham: Springer International Publishing. [Link]
Peer-reviewed conference papers
Huang, S., & Desmet, P.M.A. (2023). Needs Matter: A Detailed Typology of Fundamental Needs for Human-Centered Design. In: Evangelos Markopoulos, Ravindra S. Goonetilleke & Yan Luximon (eds) Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 74. AHFE International, USA. [Link]
Huang, S., Carulli, M., Hekkert, P., Schifferstein, R. N.J., & Bordegoni, M. (2020). Designing Product Metaphorto Promote Sustainable Behaviour: A Proposed Method. Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, (Vol.1, pp. 1921-1930). Cambridge University Press. [Link]
Huang, S., Scurati, G. W., Etzi, R., Gallace, A., Graziosi,S., Ferrise, G. & Bordegoni,M. (2019). Effects of Colored Ambient Lighting on Perceived Temperature for Energy Efficiency: A Preliminary Study in Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the Designing Sustainability for All. The LeNS World Distributed Conference. Milan, Italy, 3-5 April 2019. Vol3. LeNS, Milan. [Link]
Huang, S., Scurati, G. W., Elzeney, M., Li, Y., Lin, X.,Ferrise, F., & Bordegoni, M. (2019). AIM: An Interactive Ashtray to Support Behavior Change through Gamification. Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design, 1(1),3811–3820. [Link]
Huang, S., Ruscio, D., Ariansyah, D., Yi, J. & Bordegoni, M. (2018). Does the Familiarity of Road Regulation Contribute to Driving Violation? A Simulated Study on Familiar and Unfamiliar Road Intersections among Young Chinese Drivers. In: Stanton, N. (eds) Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation. AHFE 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 597. Springer, Cham. [Link]
Yang, J., Zhang, C., Huang, S., Shirazi, H. A., Bordegoni, M., Liu, X., Quan, H., Hamza A. B. & Zeng, Y (accepted). Unearthing Stakeholder Behavior Patterns to Enhance Sustainable Product Design. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Society for Design and Process Science. Bologna, Italy, 6-9 October 2024. SDPS.
Gomez Beldarrain, G., van der Maden, W., Huang S. & Kim, E. (2023). Identifying meaningful user experiences with autonomous products: a case study in fundamental user needs in fully autonomous vehicles. Proceedings of the IASDR 2023, Milano, Italy,9-13 October 2023. IASDR. [Link]
Scurati, G. W., Huang, S., Wu, S., Chen, T., Zhang, Y., Graziosi, S., Ferrise, F. & Bordegoni, M. (2019). Multisensory Nudging: A Design Intervention for Sustainable Hand-Washing Behavior in Public Space. Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design, 1(1),3341–3350. [Link]
Etzi, R., Huang,S., Scurati, G.W., Lyu, S., Ferrise, F., Gallace, A., Gaggioli, A.,Chirico, A., Carulli, M. & Bordegoni, M. (2019). Using Virtual Reality to Test Human-Robot Interaction During a Collaborative Task. Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 1: 39th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Anaheim, California, USA. August 18–21, 2019. ASME. [Link]
Scurati, G. W., Etzi, R., Huang, S., Ferrise, F., Graziosi, S. & Bordegoni, M. (2019). Exploring the use of color lights on the perception of indoor climate for energy efficiency in Virtual Reality. In Aspetti umani e comportamentalinella prestazione energetica degli edifici 51° CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE/51st AiCARR International Conference. Venice, Italy. [Link]
Poster presentations
Huang, S., Scurati, G.W., Elzeney, M., Li, Y., Lin, X.,Ferrise, F. & Bordegoni, M. (2019, August 5-8). AIM: An Interactive Ashtray to Support Behavior Change through Gamification [Poster Presentation]. ICED19: the 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design. Delft, The Netherlands.
Yang, J., Zhang, C., Huang, S., Shirazi, H. A., Bordegoni, M., Liu, X., Quan, H., Hamza A. B. & Zeng, Y (2024, July 8-10) Unearthing Stakeholder Behavior Patterns to Enhance Sustainable Product Design [Poster Presentation]. DCC'24: the Eleventh International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition, Montreal, Canada.
Publications in Chinese
Huang, S., Li, X. & Xue, H. (2024). Envisage, Enquiry, and Design: A Review of the Dutch Design Week 2023. Zhuangshi, 369, 62-73. [Chinese/English]
Xue, H., Desmet, P.M.A., Fokkinga, S. F. & Huang, S. (2023). Design and Emotion (1999-2023): A 21st Century Dutch (YetGlobal) Design (Research) Movement. Zhuangshi, 360, 29-34.